Sunday, April 1, 2012

Birds at Large: Rainbow Owl - that great debunker of internet myths and legends - had a post recently on a Rainbow Owl.  IS IT REAL??

Nnnnoooo of course not. It's a Barred Owl with some terrible photoshopping and a fake blog post by someone posing as an owl researcher at the University of Toledo.  Not that it's the most outrageous thing in the world - I still see new gorgeous birds all the time - but owls are rarely very colorful.  Thanks to Snopes for staying on top of bird-related falsehoods!


Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad I went to goggle right away! The owl is my favorite bird. I just couldn't believe what I saw.

Anonymous said...

I had just done the same thing you did as soon as I had seen it on pinterest

Anonymous said...

I have seen once a life rainbow coloured owl much more beautiful than this one and i have been serching for it on the web for many years now...the size is almost the same but the one i saw is bigger....i thought i was crazy... but it was on my gate staring at me....then it flew right in front of me...i can feel the powerful wind from its flew low....all the colour of the rainbow was there... i still think it was a dream...but i know its not...

Anonymous said...

Had u by any chance just eaten some mushrooms from the garden?

lifesapeach said...

hahaha. i was going to ask the same thing!

Anonymous said...

Can I have some mushrooms?

Chayil Walker said...

Excuse me, but it is POSSIBLE for this Rainbow Owl to exist. Just because we are used to seeing a certain pattern of things,doesn't mean it doesn't exist-especially if you live on an Island or in the tropics or jungle,for example. What about the recent finding of fresh water underneath the ocean floor. Now we've only known the ocean to be totally salt water body of water. There's always new & fantastic things in Nature to be discovered.

Unknown said...

It's a fake picture. If you Google "Rainbow Owl" images you will find the real picture of this owl before it was photoshopped...

Unknown said...

It is definitely a photoshopped picture... If you google "Rainbow Owl" and look at the images you will find the photograph of the real owl before it was photoshopped...

Unknown said...

Not that owl, but maybe a similar one will be discovered one day... True

Anonymous said...

No it ture i saw one before

Anonymous said...

love it, so cool

Anonymous said...

There is a rainbow owl in western united States.was almost hunted to extinction by man because of their colorful plumage,Dodo birds were hunted to extinction by man for the same reason.

Sakib said...

I once had a rainbow pie, it was really nice!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I know this is from years ago but I just burst out laughing. I'm glad you asked the question, because I was going to after reading that. Lmao 🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

I saw a similar owl in Atlanta, GA. Very deep, saturated colors. Blue, green, purple. It was breathtaking. The colors were not in riws or circles, more laje random over the body. It literally stopped traffic.

Anonymous said...

This is mentioned in Al Qur'an

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